
New templates uploaded on Console will be backwards compatible with App1. Historic templates from App1 will need to have Participants (previously called Parties) manually added to them. 

 For instance, if your template had fields for 3 Parties (without witnesses): 

  1. On Console, select the template from the Library

  2. The Participants page will open. On the left, click the + Add Participant button to add the first Party, and then again for the second and third Parties. 

  3. Click on Next to return to the Edit Template page. The fields should now appear and be correctly assigned to their respective Participant. 

Extra Notes:  

  • The default Role type for an added participant will be Signer – if your template has Approvers, you’ll need to change the Role using the ‘Select Role’ dropdown menu.  

  • Optionally, add a Participant Description to easily identify them when assigning fields and entering Recipient details at sending. 

  • Witnesses will need to be added as a Participant using the + Add Witness button below their corresponding Signer’s card.